We are soooo excited today is the start of our very first DEED!!!!
We thought about this while we were at lunch. Talking about how everyone use to hold doors open for others, saying "please and thank you" and just being nice. We feel that we take this for granted and are on a MISSION to see if we can do this and hopefully others will "Pass it On"!!!
We will also be blogging about the way people interact with us and see if they are catching on...we will be doing the "deeds" multiple times to the same people!!!
Kimberly: Direct TV was out and I offered them bottles of water..."they said not many do that anymore"!
Laurie: Picked up the paper for elderly couple next door!
1 Day Down 89 Days to Go
Love this!!! I always offer water to the LDS boys that come by, they are ALWAYS so surprised I even smiled at them :)